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Do you need movement? A physical practice more or less demanding? 

Well, at least one of those classes will defintely suit you.


Nevertheless, before following your first class with me, you will need to fill a small questionnaire that will help me to get to know a little more about you and your expectations and guide you towards the best class(es) for you.

Vinyasa  Flow ***

During a Vinyasa Flow class, you move along with your breath, towards more focus and your center.


Vinyasa Flow classes are solar, dynamic, energizing and designed to work your whole body while having fun, experimeniting and trying to defy gravity. Classes are suited for practitioners that have at least one year of yoga practice and are willing to try something different and energetic.

Amongst the many benefits of this class: stress relief, stretching and toning, better posture and abdominal muscles, greater awareness of the body and the breath.


In yoga, we strive to respect the body, and how it reacts as we move along the class. Nevertheless, these classes may not suit you if, for instance, you're recovering from a surgery/injury. Please refer to your doctor for advice.


Remember always to inform your teacher of any unusual pain/condition so we can try and find modifications together.


Lunar Flow**

This is a more lunar, more gentle, all level class than Vinyasa Flow (suitable for people with good mobility and willing to move the energy a little) and includes several styles like Hatha, Yin and Flow. This class features long stretches, some gentle Flow and obviously meditation that will leave you completely relaxed.

This class is obviously not as energetic as the Vinyasa and will not feature very advanced poses.

Recommended for beginners or if you're looking for a gentler practice.

Core Strength Flow**

If you're seeking to work your core strength in a mindful way thanks to yoga and pilates, this class is for you. In order to keep the balance, we will also stretch.

This class is suitable for anyone with a good mobiity.

Core Strength Flow

With this blend of yoga and pilates we will work on your core to help reduce back pain and improve your posture.

This class can be challenging ... be prepared to sweat !

There will obviously be some stretching moves to balancethe energy of the class.


Lunar Flow

If you seek a gentler, more feminine (lunar) version of a  (Prana)Vinyasa Flow class, you'll enjoy Lunar Flow. Breath and movement will still be linked very tightly  but we will explore a slower and gentler pace with many deep stretches in this beautilful class, perfect to end your week smoothly.

(Prana) Vinyasa Flow

(Prana) Vinyasa Flow is a powerful but fluid practice where asanas lfow with the breath like a dance or a meditatioin movement where we will explore and play with arm balances.

Prana Flow is an especially demanding class, thus I usuually prefer to offer it in workshops or with more advanced groups.

Beginners welcome (Core Strength Flow - Lunar Flow)

Core Strength Flow and (Prana)Vinyasa Flow are not suitable for pregnant womenwho don't have an existing practice.

Nevertheless it is not advised to follow these classe in the first quarter of your pregnanncy.

If you seek a prenatal class, please contact Nicole Couloubaritsis who will be happy to help you find a prenatal teacher close to you.

© NoStress Liège et Bruxelles (Uccle)- dernière mise à jour/last update février 2023

Logo by Axel Godar. 


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